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About sueinscottsdale

  • Birthday 02/12/1949

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    Scottsdale, Arizona

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  1. I have seven of the dies you used in your quilt top (and a lot more that aren't).  I've been seriously considering the fern die, but I see it's quite a bit larger than most of the others.  Hmmmm...... I'll have to think about that one.  

    I have the electric go cutter and the baby.  I use both quite a bit.  What did we do before Accuquilt!

    Hope all goes well for your Hubby. Not fun when either of you is sick.  Take care - Jean

    1. sueinscottsdale


      Yes, the palm die makes a much larger block when you put 4 of them together but I have seen so many ideas using the individual ferns. I think this die is really versatile - I just need to find the time to really play with it. 

      I know what you mean about what did we do before AccuQuilt. I purchased my first Go! when they were first introduced (about 2008 I think). I have just added to my collection ever since and have really purchased with all the new die-to-tries that have been introduced. One I don't have but I am thinking of getting is being re-introduced in a couple weeks. It is the Lotus and I think this is another one that you can take the individual pieces and do some interesting things with them. I have been buying from Ladyfingers Sewing in Pennsylvania because their prices are better than AccuQuilt and they don't charge sales tax. Also, if you order more than $100, they ship for free. Several times my order was less than $100 so I added a cone of thread. They use USPS for shipping and they are very responsive to you. I really like dealing with them.

      Thanks for thinking of my husband. He is finally getting better but June was a terrible month and no one can explain exactly what went wrong other than to blame it on his weight. It has been very frustrating to both of us and I am really tired. I can't wait for things to get back to a more normal.

    2. Jean Shute

      Jean Shute

      I started out with Sizzix quilt dies when they were doing that.  I liked them and have several.  Unfortunately, they don't do that anymore.  I think Accuquilt has changed hands and their sales aren't what they used to be.  I order from Quilt in a Day because they don't charge tax and shipping is free on Accuquilt dies.  I see that their prices have gone up too.  I checked out Ladyfingers and they had a good sale price on the new Tea pot die.  Not sure why I bought that, but it's cute and I'll probably use it for quick gifts for girlfriends.  Hang in there.


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