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About brunerwoman

  • Birthday 07/08/1947

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  • Gender
  • Location
    cherryville, mo
  • Interests
    quilting; reading mystery fiction; gardening; my embroidery machine

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  1. brunerwoman

    Vicki in MN

    I love the black cat with the ghosts. I hadn't seen that one before.
  2. brunerwoman

    I Spy

    I love it. Great job. I like making I Spy quilts...I've made several. love those dots.
  3. Shirley, did you sell all your Accuquilt dies?  I've been collecting this past year and have quite a few, but thought I'd check to see what you're selling.  I'm 74 now, but not ready to give up on making quilts and quilting them.  I am cleaning out a lot of books and other "creative" things I'm no longer interested in.  I can't believe how much "stuff" a person can collect over the years.  Anyway... let me know what dies you still have.  You may have a treasure I don't have yet.

    Thanks - Jean

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. brunerwoman


      OK, I made an Excel file of those I am interested in selling. I hope that comes through ok. These are the old dies that are heavy 1" wood. There are a few GO dies at the end of the list. If you have any questions or need pics of anything, just let me know.

      Now I have to go mow some grass...between rains. haha



      Dies for Sale.xls

    3. Jean Shute

      Jean Shute

      Hi Shirley, sorry, I just had a chance to get back on my computer.  I don't have the Studio Accuquilt cutter, but I do have the large Sizzix and it will cut the Studio dies.  If you still have them I'd like the round flowers set 3 a b and c and the rose sampler set.    Let me know how much the total would be with shipping.  I can send the money by Pay Pal or check which ever you would prefer.

      By the way, 74 is a very good age.  Old enough to know better but young enough to still do it.

      Thanks - Jean

    4. Jean Shute

      Jean Shute

      I forgot to tell you where I live for shipping:  Otis Orchards, WA 99027

  4. Ok, I can't help myself. I would love to have it! Not in a hurry....just whenever you get to it. 

    Thanks so much! Denby

    Denby Smith

    P.O.BOX 3971

    Mansfield, Ohio 44907

  5. Introducing Madame Mystique, the fortune teller for the county fair. This was harder than I thought it would be. She has her crystal ball to tell fortunes at the fair. She might have been a little tipsy when she put on her lipstick...LOL. this was certainly a challenge for me....not sure I would try it again.
  6. oh, man...steve was right. LOL call 911 .... that doll was murdered
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