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  2. Jean Shute

    Vicki in MN

    Add me to the ladies who appreciate your sharing your beautiful work. Thanks Vicki!
  3. Cheri

    Vicki in MN

    All so wonderful...and I'm betting, all sold. Always love to see what you do. So creative.
  4. Lissa

    Vicki in MN

    This is such a treat to see so many of your creations - some I don't remember seeing before and others I've admired. Thanks Vicki.
  5. Thank you for taking the time to make the panel gallery!
  6. Helen Hubert

    Vicki in MN

    Oh, Vicki, thankyou for starting this! I've always been so impressed with the way you handle panels. This will be a great source for inspiration. ❤️
  7. nancySD

    Vicki in MN

    Thanks for putting this together - it's a great collection of eye candy and inspiration!
  8. Vicki in MN

    Vicki in MN

    @brunerwoman, I am kinda lagging behind in posting so I probably didn't post it. I'll try to do that later this week.
  9. brunerwoman

    Vicki in MN

    I love the black cat with the ghosts. I hadn't seen that one before.
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